Drameco.Metal designers

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If it’s possible in metal, we’re here!
We understand your world. Whatever you would like to offer your customers, visitors or clients, we can make it for you, In metal. Because that’s what we’re good at. Technical products, parts and accessories in metal to a maximum length of 2 metres. Wire baskets and boards. Articles combined of metal tube, plate and wire. But also metal in combination with wood, cardrboard and plastic. Sometimes the metal is the invisible part in the product, sometimes it’s the shiny leading role.

Whatever you need in metal, Drameco can do it.


Metal products and componants in your business

Our high-quality metal baskets, shelves and containers make your customer’s shopping experience easy and efficient. Because we know and understand the retail world.

The same goes for displays. From metal displays for optimal product presentation to convincing advertising and marketing tools. Metal displays provide clear and convincing communication to your clients.

What else is possible in metal ?

All kinds of technical products – too many to mention. But one thing’s for sure, whatever your  particular needs are, we can make it in metal. Metal products and parts are everywhere and often in combination with other materials. From agriculture to construction and education to sports and recreation. From the medical industry to DIY and from transport to safety equipment.

Metal frames, baskets, grills and screens. Metal brackets, locks and carts…

In short, whatever the sector, metal is everywhere you look.

Drameco’s team

Our 50 dedicated employees love a challenge.  So what do you need in metal ?

We can design, manufacture, connect, modify, assemble, improve and combine any metal product with other materials for you.  Thanks to our short production lines, modern machinery and flexibilty , we are fast and reliable.  We’ve been happily providing this service since 1973.

Need something particular in metal? Don’t hesitate to challenge us!

Contact us now


Have your own products customised?

Call the metal info line or send an email

+31(0) 524 - 513 710info@drameco.nl

about us

how we make it possible

Request & briefing

Design phase

Technical design & prototyping



Packaging & distribution

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